Internet overlay netmod (inet)

The main way to use Ratman with other people at the moment is via the internet overlay network module inet. It creates peering sessions over the internet and TCP. With that comes a significant amount of connection state logic and routing outside of Ratman, because each instance of inet can be connected with many other instances of inet.

Structure diagram

Following is a class structure diagram for the three main components of the inet driver. Note that Server is a dispatch-type, meaning that after allocation it copies itself to a private task-stack and remains running until the containing application is shut down.

TODO: figure out why the mermaid graph is borked


class InetEndpoint {
    +Arc[Routes] routes
    +ChannelPair channel
    +start( bind )
    +add_peers( peers )
    +send( target, frame )
    +send_all( frame )

class Routes {
    +AtomicU16 latest
    +BTreeMap[Target, Peer] inner
    +add_peer( target, peer )
    +remove_peer( target )
    +exists( target )
    +get_peer_by_id( target )

class Server {
    +Option[TcpListener] ipv4_listen
    +TcpListener ipv6_listen


While the inet driver doesn't have a lot of type components, their interactions can get quite complex. Furthermore there are some stateless function components that can't be expressed in a traditional class diagram.

digraph G {
  graph [fontname = "Handlee"]
  node [fontname = "Handlee"]
  edge [fontname = "Handlee"]

  subgraph cluster_0 {
    node [color=orange]
    A [label="InetEndpoint::new"]
    B [label="add_peers()"]
    S [label="Listen for\nincoming connections"]
    C [label="for each peer", shape=Mdiamond]
    D [label="Resolve address"]
    E [label="start_connection()"]
    E1 [label="connect()"]
    E2 [label="handshake()"]
    E3 [label="Add peer\nto Arc<Routes>"]
    E4 [label ="SPAWN"]
    E5 [label="setup_cleanuptask()"]
    Z [label="SPAWN restart.recv()"]

    A -> B
    A -> S
    B -> C
    C -> D
    D -> E
    E -> E1
    E1 -> E1 [label="retry"]
    E1 -> E2
    E2 -> E3
    E2 -> E4
    E3 -> E5
    E5 -> Z
    label = "Initialisation"
    fontsize = 20
  subgraph cluster_1 {
    label = "Peer Frame Receiver"
    node [color=cyan]
    P1 [label="run() loop", shape=Mdiamond]
    P2 [label="Read Frame"]
    P22 [label="Release Mutex"]
    P222 [label="break", style=filled]
    P3 [label="receiver.send()"]
    P1 -> P2 [label="Lock Mutex"]
    P2 -> P22 [label="No Data"]
    P22 -> P1 [label="yield_now()"]
    P2 -> P222 [label="Read failed"]
    P2 -> P3 [label="Valid Frame"]
  subgraph cluster_2 {
    label="Server loop"
    S1 [label="for each\nincoming", shape=Mdiamond]
    S2 [label="SPAWN\nhandle_stream()"]
    S22 [label="Drop stream"]
    S3 [label="accept_connection()"]
    S -> S1
    S1 -> S2 [label="valid"]
    S1 -> S22 [label="invalid"]
    S2 -> S3
    S3 -> E4 [label="valid"]
    S3 -> S22 [label="invalid"]